
Educating for wellbeing

Ākonga are supported to understand and learn about wellbeing and learning to learn with our online course Te Ara Whakapuāwai (The pathway to flourishing). In this course ākonga can choose to learn about concepts such as identity, diversity, connection, holistic wellbeing, leadership and more.

Responding to wellbeing

Kaimanaaki hold the pastoral care role for all full time and young adult ākonga. In addition to the care provided as outlined above, kaimanaaki keep a watching brief on changes to wellbeing and encourage ākonga to periodically complete a wellbeing survey to check in with how they are doing. Often this leads to helpful conversations that strengthen the relationship between ākonga and kaimanaaki, enabling any agreed supporting actions to occur.

These agreed supporting actions may include kaimanaaki referring ākonga to a Te Kura counsellor or connecting ākonga with an external provider.