Our Strategic Plan
Our strategic plan describes our overall mission for our school, and the key outcomes we want to achieve over 2023-2025.
Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu Strategic Plan 2023-2025
Tō mātou wawata (Our vision)
Ki te tī ki te tā, ki te katoa (Anytime, anywhere, anyone)
We want our ākonga to achieve their educational and personal goals, enabling them to participate effectively as members of their communities. That means putting our ākonga at the centre of their learning by providing a flexible, personalised approach, so that they can choose when and where they learn.
Ō mātou whakapono (Our beliefs)
Our planning is guided by three core beliefs:
Living Te Tiriti o Waitangi (The Treaty of Waitangi)
Te Kura acknowledges Te Tiriti o Waitangi as Aotearoa New Zealand’s founding document and the basis of a mutually beneficial relationship between Māori and the Crown. We place our work in the context of the Treaty principles.
Ensuring ākonga are at the centre of everything we do
This is the theme connecting every aspect of our planning. As Te Kura is free from some of the constraints of a face-to-face school, such as managing classes and timetables, teaching ‘one ākonga at a time’ remains the starting point for our relationship with every ākonga.
Delivering high-quality, future-focused teaching and learning
This is our core role. We are part of an educational system working to strengthen systems, structures and practices to address and support learning needs for all ākonga in the 21st century.
Ā mātou kaupapa matua rautaki (Our strategic priorities)
Our Board of Trustees has identified five strategic whenu (strands) that represent what we want to achieve from 2023-2025:
Poipoi | Nurture climate-conscious kirirarau (citizens) of a bicultural Aotearoa New Zealand
Kauawhi | Include all ākonga in Te Kura’s kaupapa
Tāuteute | Engage ākonga through authentic, personalised learning
Pūnaha auaha | Innovate digitally to support ākonga and kaimahi
Ārahi | Lead and influence within the education eco-system
These strategic whenu (strands), with their corresponding strategic aho (focus) areas and key mahi (work) plans, ultimately contribute to Te Ara Pounamu, our Big Picture-inspired approach to authentic, inclusive and personalised learning.
Te Ara Pounamu ensures we put ākonga at the centre of everything we do.