Senior leadership team

Senior Leadership Team

 Michael Tompson, Puti Gardiner, Te Rina Leonard, Anne Coster, Regan Dooley

Te Rina Leonard, Chief Executive

Te Rina Leonard (Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāti Rangiwewehi, Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Raukawa) was appointed as the Chief Executive in 2023.

Te Rina first came to Te Kura in 2008 for two years as Deputy Chief Executive Design and Quality, and returned eight years later to become the Deputy Chief Executive Learning Delivery. 

Te Rina has strengths in leadership and a great commitment and passion for improving opportunities for ākonga and Māori. She is determinied to maintain the momentum and progress built by her predecessor, Mike Hollings, who led the school for 17 years.  

After qualifying as an Educational Psychologist, Leonard went on to successfully lead large operational, evaluation and policy teams in education. She has also worked in education policy and evaluation at the Education Review Office.

Having held a wide variety of education positions during her career,  she brings a breadth and depth of experience to her new role.

Michael Tompson, Deputy Chief Executive – Systems and Support

Michael leads the Systems and Support wāhanga, which provides the key service functions of Finance, the Information Resource Group, Human Resources and Student and Whānau Support.

The wāhanga works to provide innovative, cost-effective systems and functions to support Te Kura's strategic priorities. The health, safety and wellbeing of our staff and students is part of everything we do. This wāhanga is tasked with ensuring that Te Kura is in an optimal position to respond to the needs of students and whānau.

This includes evaluating the effectiveness of current Te Kura programmes, researching digital opportunities and recommending strategies for future directions and improvements. Key programmes include the school-wide implementation of Big Picture learning and the review and implementation of initiatives that improve the engagement and achievement of Māori and Pacific ākonga and whānau.

Christine Te Kiri, Acting Deputy Chief Executive - Curriculum

Christine Te Kiri leads the Curriculum wāhanga, which provides expert guidance and support in the design, development, delivery, and quality assurance of curriculum, learning resources, and assessment practices across Te Kura.

The Curriculum wāhanga ensures that all learning programmes align with national requirements, including Te Whāriki, The New Zealand Curriculum, and the National Qualifications Framework. It also ensures that Te Kura Big Picture principles are embedded in learning design and that curriculum implementation reflects the priorities outlined in the National Education Goals and National Administration Guidelines.

With a strong focus on enhancing engagement, progress, achievement, and the overall wellbeing of ākonga, the Curriculum wāhanga plays a pivotal role in supporting successful learning outcomes for all.

Puti Gardiner, Deputy Chief Executive - Learning Delivery

Puti Gardiner (Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Ranginui Ngāti Pūkenga) is the proud Mum of six children. She and her husband, Patrick, have lived and taught in various regions including Tauranga, Rotorua, Opononi and Doubtless Bay in the far north.  Striving for equity in education has always been a priority and the driver for her involvement in teaching and learning.

Her experience as a teacher, a Principal, a PLD facilitator and a Leadership Advisor for beginning principals led to her joining the Ministry of Education, where her most recent role was as National Manager Curriculum Leadership.

As a second language learner of te reo Māori she is passionate about te reo me ōna tikanga and is an avid kapa haka fan and armchair judge.

Regan Dooley, Chief Advisor - Strategy

Regan provides strategic advice on a range of education and other issues, including policy development, risk management and legislative compliance. He is Te Kura’s Privacy Officer.

He also manages the school's communications functions and responds to information requests and complaints. Regan keeps Te Kura’s planning and reporting activities on track, ensuring that they contribute to enhanced school performance in teaching and learning, student engagement and ultimately student achievement. He also provides advice and support to the Board of Trustees.