
« Years 1-10

Integrated learning connects the contexts and learning areas of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and The New Zealand Curriculum through Big Ideas. As ākonga make deep connections across related contexts and learning areas they draw on prior knowledge, skills and experience to develop new knowledge, skills and understanding of themselves as learners.

Matauranga Māori is the foundation for learning in ConnectED. Learning is organised under five contexts and ākonga are free to choose from a range of learning options within and across these five contexts. The best starting point for integrated learning is a discussion with Kaimanaaki.

ConnectED options are available to all full-time ākonga up to Year 10.

This context focuses on exploring identity, diversity and strengths, and how these contribute to the ways in which we lead our lives.

This context focuses on the environment, sustainability and the actions that we can take as responsible and active contributors – locally, nationally and globally.

This context focuses on the relationships of individuals, groups and communities, and the ways in which we belong and are inclusive.

This context focuses on holistic wellbeing of individuals, groups and communities, andbuilding strong foundations from which to flourish.

This context focuses on connection, self-determination and leadership and asks us to consider equity, safety, and personal and collective rights and responsibilities.