BY3000 - Biology - NCEA Level 3 (course endorsement available)

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What is Biology?

Biology is at the centre of all life and ākonga explore the living world, its ecology, plant and animal life processes, evolution, and relationships between biology and technology. Through this study, ākonga gain an understanding of themselves, the world, and how organisms survive and live together. They also develop essential scientific knowledge, methods and techniques. From here, ākonga are able to analyse scientific information effectively and discuss the wide range of implications science has on our world, including medical and environmental issues. Biology is a broad interest subject and is important for careers and in a variety of areas, from health through to forestry and zoology.

What this course involves

This course follows on from Level 2 Biology. In this course, ākonga study plant responses and animal behaviour, biotechnology, evolution, and speciation. Ākonga also have the opportunity to further develop their investigative and research skills.

As well as being highly relevant, this course is useful, and often essential, for ākonga intending to enter tertiary studies in nursing, medicine, veterinary science or similar fields.

University Entrance requires 14 credits in three approved Level 3 subjects, which includes Biology. This means Biology ākonga should sit at least one, preferably two, externally assessed standards. If ākonga intend to complete AS91601, they should do this in term one or two of the school year.

Delivery Modes

Recommended prior learning

Level 2 Biology or equivalent.

National qualifications available in this course

Standard Description Version Credits Assessment L1 Lit/Num UE Lit/Num Vocational Pathways
91601 Carry out a practical investigation in a biological context, with guidance 2 4 Internal
MaManufacturing and technology recommended standard
PrPrimary Industries recommended standard
SoSocial and Community Services recommended standard
91602 Integrate biological knowledge to develop an informed response to a socio-scientific issue 2 3 Internal
UElraUE literacy reading achievement standard
MaManufacturing and technology recommended standard
PrPrimary Industries recommended standard
SoSocial and Community Services recommended standard
91603 Demonstrate understanding of the responses of plants and animals to their external environment 3 5 External
UElwraUE literacy writing and reading achievement standard
PrPrimary Industries recommended standard
91604 Demonstrate understanding of how an animal maintains a stable internal environment 3 3 Internal
UElraUE literacy reading achievement standard
PrPrimary Industries recommended standard
SoSocial and Community Services recommended standard
91605 Demonstrate understanding of evolutionary processes leading to speciation 2 4 External
UElwraUE literacy writing and reading achievement standard
MaManufacturing and technology recommended standard
PrPrimary Industries recommended standard
SoSocial and Community Services recommended standard
91606 Demonstrate understanding of trends in human evolution 2 4 External
UElwraUE literacy writing and reading achievement standard
PrPrimary Industries recommended standard
91607 Demonstrate understanding of human manipulations of genetic transfer and its biological implications 3 3 Internal
UElraUE literacy reading achievement standard
MaManufacturing and technology recommended standard
PrPrimary Industries recommended standard
SoSocial and Community Services recommended standard