CH2000 - Chemistry - NCEA Level 2 (course endorsement available)

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What is Chemistry?

People have always been fascinated by the world around them and chemistry is the study of the substances that make up the universe. From the time people worked out how to create fire, chemistry has been at the forefront of exciting discoveries such as the structure of DNA and the use of semiconductors in electronics. Chemistry looks at the behaviour of substances, the changes they undergo to create new ones and the reactions between them. Yet it is more than what happens at a micro level, it is about what it is that makes us, our materials and everything around us. Ākonga learn the essential skills and knowledge needed to analyse scientific information, conduct experiments and research. Chemistry is essential for careers in a wide range of areas including medicine, pharmacy, engineering, environmental science, wine making and food technology.

What this course involves

This course further develops some of the chemistry topics introduced in Level 1 Science, and investigates general scientific nature and problems, oxidation and reduction, and the various reactions that chemical substances undergo. The use of formulae and equations and the application of mathematics to these are a very important part of the course. Practical work is part of this course, much of which can be done at home.

Note: AS91163 requires a good understanding of Level 2 Chemistry and so is normally attempted last.

AS9190 and AS91911 requires practical work to be carried out in a laboratory and may not be offered in all centres. Please contact your kaiako for more information.

Delivery Modes

Recommended prior learning

A sound understanding of acids and bases.

National qualifications available in this course

Standard Description Version Credits Assessment L1 Lit/Num UE Lit/Num Vocational Pathways
91163 Demonstrate understanding of the chemistry used in the development of a current technology 2 3 Internal
CoConstruction and Infrastructure recommended standard
MaManufacturing and technology recommended standard
PrPrimary Industries recommended standard
SSeService Industries sector-related standard
SoSocial and Community Services recommended standard
CrCreative Industries recommended standard
91164 Demonstrate understanding of bonding, structure, properties and energy changes 2 5 External
CoConstruction and Infrastructure recommended standard
MaManufacturing and technology recommended standard
PrPrimary Industries recommended standard
SoSocial and Community Services recommended standard
91165 Demonstrate understanding of the properties of selected organic compounds 2 4 External
CoConstruction and Infrastructure recommended standard
MaManufacturing and technology recommended standard
PrPrimary Industries recommended standard
SeService Industries recommended standard
SoSocial and Community Services recommended standard
91166 Demonstrate understanding of chemical reactivity 2 4 External
CoConstruction and Infrastructure recommended standard
MaManufacturing and technology recommended standard
PrPrimary Industries recommended standard
SSeService Industries sector-related standard
SoSocial and Community Services recommended standard
91167 Demonstrate understanding of oxidation-reduction 2 3 Internal
CoConstruction and Infrastructure recommended standard
MaManufacturing and technology recommended standard
PrPrimary Industries recommended standard
SoSocial and Community Services recommended standard
91910 Carry out a practical investigation into a substance present in a consumer product using quantitative analysis 1 4 Internal
91911 Carry out an investigation into chemical species present in a sample using quantitative analysis 1 3 Internal