DAN1000 - Dance - NCEA Level 1

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What is Dance?

Dance explores challenges and celebrates practical expressions of self and culture. Ākonga have the opportunity to develop their practical dance skills, which can foster their creative and critical abilities as well as enjoyment of performance.

What this course involves

Ākonga will learn to develop communication through composing and performing movement. Learning in Dance supports ākonga to expand the ways they express themselves and their ideas as they reflect and evaluate dance processes. They are encouraged to collaborate and communicate with others as they engage in the course. Ākonga will develop literacy and critical thinking skills as they learn about, and extend their knowledge and creative skills in performance and choreography.

Delivery Modes

Recommended prior learning

No prior learning needed.

National qualifications available in this course

Standard Description Version Credits Assessment L1 Lit/Num UE Lit/Num Vocational Pathways
91936 Compose a dance sequence in response to a given brief 4 5 Internal
91937 Perform dance sequences 4 6 Internal
91938 Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between key features and cultural context of a dance genre or style 3 4 External
91939 Demonstrate understanding of the elements of dance in a dance performance 4 5 External