DTC1000 - Digital Technologies - NCEA Level 1 (course endorsement available)

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What is Digital Technology?

Digital Technology ākonga learn to effectively find, create, communicate and use information in a digital context. Ākonga are also provided with an excellent introduction to the world of information communication technology.

What this course involves

Digital Technologies focuses on building ākonga capability to apply technological ideas within a digital environment. It is a broad subject that covers many domains, for example: software programming, online environments and embedded systems, Digital information systems, Digital media. Ākonga will develop computational thinking skills and the ability to apply concepts to the design and development of digital outcomes. They will become informed users, and innovative creators, of technology.

Delivery Modes

Recommended prior learning

No prior learning needed.

National qualifications available in this course

Standard Description Version Credits Assessment L1 Lit/Num UE Lit/Num Vocational Pathways
2792 Produce simple desktop published documents using templates 9 2 Internal
CoConstruction and Infrastructure recommended standard
MaManufacturing and technology recommended standard
PrPrimary Industries recommended standard
CrCreative Industries recommended standard
5946 Use computer technology to create and deliver a presentation from given content 9 3 Internal
MaManufacturing and technology recommended standard
CrCreative Industries recommended standard
18743 Produce a spreadsheet from instructions using supplied data 6 2 Internal
CoConstruction and Infrastructure recommended standard
MaManufacturing and technology recommended standard
PrPrimary Industries recommended standard
SeService Industries recommended standard
SoSocial and Community Services recommended standard
CrCreative Industries recommended standard
32000 Enter prescribed text accurately using basic keyboarding skills and identify safe ergonomic practices 2 3 Internal
32001 Compose and manage text to produce documents using basic keyboarding and layout skills 2 3 Internal
92004 Create a computer program 2 5 Internal
92005 Develop a digital technologies outcome 3 5 Internal
92006 Demonstrate understanding of usability in human-computer interfaces 2 5 External
92007 Design a digital technologies outcome 4 5 External