ENG1000 - English - NCEA Level 1 (course endorsement available)

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What is English?

English is one of the three official languages of Aotearoa New Zealand. English is an essential tool for full participation in our personal, local, national and global communities. At Te Kura, the study of English supports ākonga to extend their competency in the use of language in a variety of contexts including tertiary study and the workplace. Ākonga develop a sense of their identity as New Zealanders and explore their heritage through the study of novels, films, short stories and shorter texts. They also develop critical thinking skills, which enables them to evaluate and challenge the thinking of others as well as contribute to important global debates. The subject is structured to allow maximum flexibility in course design. Ākonga follow a course that is linked to their learning needs and goals. They progress through the levels at their own pace. For NCEA, ākonga select a pathway to follow but can change pathways at any time.

What this course involves

The focus of NCEA Level 1 English is on ākonga continuing to develop their understanding of purpose, audience, ideas, language and structure. By understanding how language works, ākonga are equipped to make appropriate language choices and apply them in a range of contexts. Ākonga study existing written, visual and oral texts as well as create their own.

Delivery Modes

Recommended prior learning

No prior learning needed.

National qualifications available in this course

Standard Description Version Credits Assessment L1 Lit/Num UE Lit/Num Vocational Pathways
3483 Fill in a form 8 2 Internal
3490 Complete an incident report 8 2 Internal
10792 Write formal personal correspondence 6 2 Internal
91924 Demonstrate understanding of how context shapes verbal language use 3 5 Internal
laLiteracy achievement standard
91925 Demonstrate understanding of specific aspects of studied text 4 5 External
laLiteracy achievement standard
91926 Develop ideas in writing using stylistic and written conventions 5 5 Internal
laLiteracy achievement standard
91927 Demonstrate understanding of significant aspects of unfamiliar texts 5 5 External
laLiteracy achievement standard