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Geography explores the relationships and connections between people and their natural and cultural environments. Geography investigates the ways in which features are arranged on the Earth’s surface and describes and explains the patterns and processes that create them. Ākonga learn to think spatially and use maps, visual images and new technologies to obtain, present and analyse information. Geography can be studied at tertiary level as a science or humanities subject. It leads to a wide variety of careers in environmantal and urban planning and the public sector.
At this level, ākonga study how a large natural environment has evolved over time and created specific landscape features. Ākonga are also asked to consider the differences between developed and less developed countries and how these differences affect their people and society. The issue of access to safe water as a global topic and the different impacts of intensification of dairy farming in Aotearoa are considered. Basic geographic skills and techniques are expanded and the ability to analyse and interpret an array of data is developed. There is the opportunity to conduct a survey, process the results, reach conclusions and critically evaluate the research findings
No prior learning needed.
Standard | Description | Version | Credits | Assessment | L1 Lit/Num | UE Lit/Num | Vocational Pathways |
91240 | Demonstrate geographic understanding of a large natural environment | 2 | 4 | External | UElraUE literacy reading achievement standard |
PrPrimary Industries recommended standard SSeService Industries sector-related standard |
91242 | Demonstrate geographic understanding of differences in development | 3 | 4 | External | UElraUE literacy reading achievement standard |
SeService Industries recommended standard SoSocial and Community Services recommended standard |
91243 | Apply geography concepts and skills to demonstrate understanding of a given environment | 2 | 4 | External | CoConstruction and Infrastructure recommended standard PrPrimary Industries recommended standard SeService Industries recommended standard |
91244 | Conduct geographic research with guidance | 4 | 5 | Internal | SeService Industries recommended standard CrCreative Industries recommended standard |
91245 | Explain aspects of a contemporary New Zealand geographic issue | 3 | 3 | Internal | SeService Industries recommended standard SoSocial and Community Services recommended standard CrCreative Industries recommended standard |
91246 | Explain aspects of a geographic topic at a global scale | 4 | 3 | Internal | PrPrimary Industries recommended standard SeService Industries recommended standard |