HA9000 - Hauora NCEA - NCEA Levels 1–3

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What is Kaupapa Māori?

Kaupapa Māori is a learning area rich in Te Ao Māori skills, knowledge and topics. There is a wide variety of kaupapa to explore and engage in, and ample opportunity to connect learning from a Māori context to other subjects offered at Te Kura.

Kaupapa Māori offers nine main subjects with the opportunity to explore more than 80 kaupapa within those subjects.

Learning can be tailored to suit ākonga at NCEA Levels 1–3.

Ākonga are supported by kaiako, kaimanaaki, whānau and hapori to select pathways of learning relevant to their aspirations, career pathway or interests and passions. Ākonga are encouraged to link with their local area experts, online communities and whānau who have skills and experience to guide them through these learning kaupapa.

For many ākonga, including young adult and adult learners, there are no fees for Kaupapa Māori courses. Please see the Fees page on our website for further information.

What this course involves

Hauora explores two major concepts; personal wellbeing and whānau (or collective) wellbeing. This subfield encourages ākonga to explore principles of hauora, how these relate to whānau wellbeing and practical skills needed to help lead a healthier life. In Hauora you will connect with local hapori, hapū and iwi to support your development of skills and knowledge. Hauora is a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. It explores concepts of physical, mental, spiritual and whānau wellbeing within te ao Māori.

Delivery Modes

Recommended prior learning

No prior learning needed.

National qualifications available in this course

Standard Description Version Credits Assessment L1 Lit/Num UE Lit/Num Vocational Pathways
15299 Explain the principles and concepts of hauora based on a Māori world view 7 4 Internal
15310 Demonstrate knowledge of the human life course in a hauora context 7 4 Internal
15315 Manage personal safety of kaimahi when working with whānau 8 3 Internal
SoSocial and Community Services recommended standard
15986 Demonstrate knowledge of tikanga in relation to rongoā rākau 7 2 Internal
18352 Explain four key dimensions of hauora 7 3 Internal
18353 Explain the values of whānau and peers in relation to sex and sexuality 7 3 Internal
18354 Explain the impact of teenage pregnancy on whānau 7 3 Internal
18356 Develop a substance abuse cessation programme in a hauora context 7 3 Internal
18357 Develop, implement, and evaluate a substance abuse awareness programme for rangatahi 7 3 Internal
18360 Prepare a nutritionally balanced diet using kai tōtika Māori 7 4 Internal
18363 Explain and apply tikanga associated with hauora in the home 8 4 Internal
29583 From a Māori world view describe the key elements of hinengaro, tinana, wairua and whānau 4 3 Internal
29584 Demonstrate knowledge of rongoā Māori in relation to the prevention and treatment of illness 4 3 Internal
29585 Explain anger management in a hauora context 4 4 Internal
29586 Explain the impact of grief from a Māori perspective 4 4 Internal
29588 Explain tikanga in relation to the treatment of an injury 4 2 Internal
29589 Explain tikanga in relation to the human anatomy 4 2 Internal
30617 Demonstrate knowledge of whanaungatanga and whānau ora 2 6 Internal
30618 Identify and explain traditional and contemporary methods of effective communication used by whānau 2 8 Internal
30619 Explain the significance of kaitiakitanga within a whānau ora context 2 6 Internal
30620 Demonstrate manaakitanga in relation to whānau ora 2 4 Internal
30621 Identify and apply tikanga and kawa within the home or workplace environment 2 8 Internal
30624 Describe rangatiratanga and mana whenua, as it relates to whānau ora 2 4 Internal