MM9000 - Manaaki Marae - NCEA Levels 2 and 3

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What is Kaupapa Māori?

Kaupapa Māori is a learning area rich in Te Ao Māori skills, knowledge and topics. There is a wide variety of kaupapa to explore and engage in, and ample opportunity to connect learning from a Māori context to other subjects offered at Te Kura.

Kaupapa Māori offers nine main subjects with the opportunity to explore more than 80 kaupapa within those subjects.

Learning can be tailored to suit ākonga at NCEA Levels 1–3.

Ākonga are supported by kaiako, kaimanaaki, whānau and hapori to select pathways of learning relevant to their aspirations, career pathway or interests and passions. Ākonga are encouraged to link with their local area experts, online communities and whānau who have skills and experience to guide them through these learning kaupapa.

For many ākonga, including young adult and adult learners, there are no fees for Kaupapa Māori courses. Please see the Fees page on our website for further information.

What this course involves

Manaaki Marae explores the events which happen at marae. It involves food preparation and cooking, preparation of the wharekai and understanding what good hosting involves. This subject can be marae based or there are possibilities to explore the kaupapa in this subject by talking with your kaiako.

Delivery Modes

Recommended prior learning

No prior learning needed.

National qualifications available in this course

Standard Description Version Credits Assessment L1 Lit/Num UE Lit/Num Vocational Pathways
21232 Describe the roles and responsibilities of ringawera in a marae wharekai 6 2 Internal
SSeService Industries sector-related standard
21248 Prepare, maintain and clear a buffet in a marae wharekai 6 2 Internal
SSeService Industries sector-related standard
21253 Prepare and serve beverages in a marae wharekai 6 2 Internal
SSeService Industries sector-related standard
27509 Describe manaaki in terms of the interactions between the tangata whenua and manuhiri in a marae wharekai 5 4 Internal
SSeService Industries sector-related standard
SSoSocial and Community Services sector-related standard
27510 Identify traditional kai and describe the gathering process 5 2 Internal
SSeService Industries sector-related standard
29566 Prepare fruit and vegetables to present for manuhiri 4 3 Internal
SeService Industries recommended standard
29567 Prepare equipment and cook kai in an oven to present for manuhiri 4 4 Internal
SeService Industries recommended standard
29568 Prepare equipment and fry kai to present for manuhiri 4 4 Internal
SeService Industries recommended standard
29569 Prepare equipment and cook kai with liquid to present for manuhiri 4 6 Internal
SeService Industries recommended standard
30540 Plan, prepare, and produce a hāngi as part of a team, in accordance with tikanga and kawa 2 5 Internal
30541 Prepare, cook, and present a range of dishes for manuhiri 3 15 Internal
31287 Prepare and provide kai service, as part of a team and under supervision, for manuhiri 1 8 Internal