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Kaupapa Māori is a learning area rich in Te Ao Māori skills, knowledge and topics. There is a wide variety of kaupapa to explore and engage in, and ample opportunity to connect learning from a Māori context to other subjects offered at Te Kura.
Kaupapa Māori offers nine main subjects with the opportunity to explore more than 80 kaupapa within those subjects.
Learning can be tailored to suit ākonga at NCEA Levels 1–3.
Ākonga are supported by kaiako, kaimanaaki, whānau and hapori to select pathways of learning relevant to their aspirations, career pathway or interests and passions. Ākonga are encouraged to link with their local area experts, online communities and whānau who have skills and experience to guide them through these learning kaupapa.
For many ākonga, including young adult and adult learners, there are no fees for Kaupapa Māori courses. Please see the Fees page on our website for further information.
Matauranga Māori explores the concepts of understanding and working alongside mokopuna (early childhood education). It also involves discovering the foundational concepts of Aotearoa, the Declaration of Independence and the Treaty of Waitangi. This subject provides an avenue to explore alongside whānau, hapori, hapū and iwi.
No prior learning needed.
Standard | Description | Version | Credits | Assessment | L1 Lit/Num | UE Lit/Num | Vocational Pathways |
16030 | Describe Māori approaches to historical research | 6 | 6 | Internal | |||
16047 | Describe the history of He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga/ Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand | 6 | 6 | Internal | |||
16048 | Describe the development and introduction of te Tiriti o Waitangi/ the Treaty of Waitangi | 6 | 5 | Internal | |||
16049 | Compare the English and Māori versions of te Tiriti o Waitangi/the Treaty of Waitangi | 6 | 4 | Internal | |||
16050 | Explain the historical impact of Te Tiriti o Waitangi/the Treaty of Waitangi | 6 | 8 | Internal | |||
30339 | Demonstrate knowledge of curriculum activities that assert whakamana in an early learning environment | 3 | 6 | Internal | |||
30340 | Demonstrate knowledge of kotahitanga in the holistic development of mokopuna in an early learning environment | 3 | 6 | Internal | |||
30341 | Demonstrate knowledge of rangatiratanga in an early learning environment | 3 | 5 | Internal | |||
30342 | Demonstrate knowledge of Māori models of teaching and learning strategies in an early learning environment | 3 | 8 | Internal | |||
30343 | Develop, implement and evaluate curriculum activities to assert whakamana in an early learning environment | 3 | 8 | Internal | |||
30344 | Demonstrate knowledge of Māori learning in an early learning environment | 3 | 8 | Internal | |||
30345 | Demonstrate knowledge of self-management as an expression of rangatiratanga in an early learning environment | 3 | 8 | Internal | |||
30346 | Explore and compare Māori models of teaching and learning strategies relevant to an early learning environment | 3 | 8 | Internal |