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Legal Studies covers a broad range of topics and aims to provide an understanding of the role of law in society and the basic processes and principles of the New Zealand legal system. Legal Studies explores and evaluates the ability of the legal system to provide just outcomes for all individuals and groups, giving ākonga a better understanding of their legal rights and responsibilities. Ākonga will develop an appreciation of how the legal system impacts on their lives and how they can influence and change it. This subject can lead to a range of possible careers including the legal profession, business, government service or agencies.
Ākonga at this level will be able to evaluate concepts and principles, and systems and processes of the New Zealand and other legal systems. They will explore the application of a concept of law such as crime or natural justice to real situations. Ākonga study formal means of challenging state power, such as the Ombudsman used in New Zealand, and evaluate a law making process associated with a major issue such as film production in New Zealand.
Other major areas of law covered include concepts of democracy and government and different concepts of justice. Ākonga have the opportunity to evaluate particular legislation, legal cases and legal issues of interest to them, as part of the assessment requirements of the course.
NCEA Level 3 Legal Studies is not on the NZQA approved subject list for University Entrance. However, the unit standards gained in LG3000 can count towards the other 18 credits required for NCEA Level 3, which is a requirement for University Entrance.
No prior learning needed.
Standard | Description | Version | Credits | Assessment | L1 Lit/Num | UE Lit/Num | Vocational Pathways |
27837 | Evaluate a concept of democracy and government in relation to restraint on state power | 3 | 4 | Internal | |||
27840 | Evaluate a concept of justice in relation to a specific situation | 3 | 4 | Internal | |||
27843 | Evaluate a concept of law in relation to a specific situation | 3 | 4 | Internal | |||
27846 | Evaluate litigation and dispute resolution processes in relation to challenging state power | 3 | 4 | Internal | |||
27849 | Evaluate a law making process in relation to a significant legal issue | 3 | 4 | Internal | |||
27852 | Evaluate systems of government and their formation | 3 | 4 | Internal | |||
32360 | Evaluate key concepts of New Zealand's legal system from pre-European practices to current practices | 1 | 4 | Internal |