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In Media Studies ākonga learn various journalism, close reading and analytical skills. Ākonga can create their own media product through studies in representation, genre, and narrative. Media Studies enables ākonga to be more media aware and savvy, which are vital skills in today’s society.
Level 2 Media Studies looks at many aspects of the media including: film, print, social networks and the internet. Ākonga work closely with their kaiako to work out an appropriate programme based on their strengths, interests and skills.
No prior learning needed.
Standard | Description | Version | Credits | Assessment | L1 Lit/Num | UE Lit/Num | Vocational Pathways |
91249 | Demonstrate understanding of narrative in media texts | 3 | 4 | Internal | CrCreative Industries recommended standard |
91250 | Demonstrate understanding of representation in the media | 4 | 3 | Internal | CrCreative Industries recommended standard |
91251 | Demonstrate understanding of an aspect of a media genre | 5 | 4 | External | UElwaUE literacy writing achievement standard |
CrCreative Industries recommended standard |
91252 | Produce a design and plan for a developed media product using a range of conventions | 2 | 4 | Internal | CrCreative Industries recommended standard |
91253 | Complete a developed media product from a design and plan using a range of conventions | 3 | 6 | Internal | SCrCreative Industries sector-related standard |
91255 | Write developed media text for a specific target audience | 3 | 3 | Internal | UElwaUE literacy writing achievement standard |
SCrCreative Industries sector-related standard |