PW1000 - Pathways Education - NCEA Level 1

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What is Pathways Education?

Pathways Education provides learning opportunities to develop the foundation skills required to move successfully between school and work, be prepared for further education and move into paid employment or work in the voluntary sector.

What this course involves

Pathways Education helps ākonga develop skills and knowledge for the workplace. Please note this course is easier for ākonga who have or have had a work placement. This can be voluntary work, a part-time job, work experience or a Gateway placement.

Delivery Modes

Recommended prior learning

No prior learning needed.

National qualifications available in this course

Standard Description Version Credits Assessment L1 Lit/Num UE Lit/Num Vocational Pathways
64 Perform calculations for a specified workplace 10 2 Internal
SeService Industries recommended standard
496 Produce, implement, and reflect on a plan to improve own personal wellbeing 10 3 Internal
SoSocial and Community Services recommended standard
497 Demonstrate knowledge of workplace health and safety requirements 10 3 Internal
SCoConstruction and Infrastructure sector-related standard
MaManufacturing and technology recommended standard
PrPrimary Industries recommended standard
504 Produce a CV (curriculum vitae) 8 2 Internal
526 Describe community agencies and the services provided 7 2 Internal
SoSocial and Community Services recommended standard
542 Recognise discrimination and describe ways of responding 8 3 Internal
1293 Be interviewed in an informal, one-to-one, face-to-face interview 8 2 Internal
1978 Describe basic employment rights and responsibilities, and sources of information and/or assistance 9 3 Internal
3483 Fill in a form 8 2 Internal
3490 Complete an incident report 8 2 Internal
3503 Participate and communicate in a team or group to complete a routine task 7 2 Internal
4249 Describe obligations as an employee 8 3 Internal
SCoConstruction and Infrastructure sector-related standard
12348 Demonstrate knowledge of anger management 5 2 Internal
SoSocial and Community Services recommended standard
24697 Perform income-related calculations for personal financial capability 4 2 Internal
24705 Interpret and confirm accuracy of financial documents for personal financial capability 4 2 Internal
24709 Produce a balanced budget to manage personal finances 5 3 Internal
SoSocial and Community Services recommended standard
30909 Describe how employee behaviours and/or attitudes contribute to positive workplace relationships and performance 1 2 Internal