SAM1000 - Samoan - NCEA Level 1 (course endorsement available)

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What is Samoan?

Samoan Language (Gagana Sāmoa) is spoken by nearly half a million people worldwide, including 85 thousand people in New Zealand, making it the third most widely spoken language in New Zealand (after English and te reo Māori). Whether ākonga are learning Samoan to strengthen their identity as Samoan, to communicate with family members, for career enhancement or another reason, this subject will provide them with an opportunity to build on prior learning and to develop problem-solving, risk-taking and communication skills.

What this course involves

This course helps ākonga develop their Samoan reading, writing, listening and speaking skills through a range of topics such as family, home life and celebrations. The course is structured to allow flexibility in terms of the order in which topics are studied and also includes an open-ended topic that enables ākonga to investigate an area of their own interest.

Delivery Modes

Recommended prior learning

No prior learning needed.

National qualifications available in this course

Standard Description Version Credits Assessment L1 Lit/Num UE Lit/Num Vocational Pathways
92032 Interact in spoken Gagana Sāmoa to share and respond to information, ideas and opinions 3 5 Internal
92033 Communicate in Gagana Sāmoa in relation to a cultural context 4 5 Internal
92034 Demonstrate understanding of written Gagana Sāmoa related to everyday contexts 3 5 External
92035 Demonstrate understanding of spoken Gagana Sāmoa related to everyday contexts 3 5 External