SP2000 - Spanish - NCEA Level 2 (course endorsement available)

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What is Spanish?

Spanish is the third most widely spoken language and is used by over 500 million people in Spain and both North and South America. By studying Spanish, ākonga gain insight into a rich history and a variety of cultures and societies that have spanned the globe. Many New Zealanders are choosing to learn Spanish for its importance as both a commercial and cultural language.

What this course involves

Over this course ākonga learn how to use Spanish vocabulary, structures and functions to communicate a wide range of language for varying situations. Ākonga further their basic Spanish skills and are able to talk about a wide range of events, express their opinions and make comparisons and contrasts. In turn, they gain the necessary ability to give instructions and make suggestions and expand their knowledge on how to use and distinguish between past, present and future tenses.

Delivery Modes

Recommended prior learning

NCEA Level 1 Spanish or equivalent.

National qualifications available in this course

Standard Description Version Credits Assessment L1 Lit/Num UE Lit/Num Vocational Pathways
91148 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Spanish texts on familiar matters 3 5 External
SeService Industries recommended standard
91149 Interact using spoken Spanish to share information and justify ideas and opinions in different situations 3 5 Internal
SSeService Industries sector-related standard
SoSocial and Community Services recommended standard
CrCreative Industries recommended standard
91150 Give a spoken presentation in Spanish that communicates information, ideas and opinions 2 4 Internal
91151 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written and/or visual Spanish text(s) on familiar matters 3 5 External
SSeService Industries sector-related standard
91152 Write a variety of text types in Spanish to convey information, ideas, and opinions in genuine contexts 2 5 Internal