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Learning Support
Learning Support refers to the additional support some ākonga need to engage and achieve in education. As with all full-time ākonga, a dedicated kaimanaaki will work closely with whānau and specialist support services (if required) to develop a personalised programme that takes individual needs and strengths into account.
Some ākonga with learning support needs will be able to access My Te Kura, our online learning environment, once specific supports are in place. Ākonga with higher and more complex learning needs, for example, those receiving ORS funding, may use a mix of online, print and other resources.
A personalised learning plan is developed in My Korowai, Step Up, the online learning plan platform in My Te Kura, with input from ākonga, whānau, kaimanaaki, and the support team. There are regular reviews of the ākonga learning plan, discussion of progress against goals, and opportunities to set new goals. My Korowai Step Up is the primary location for communication between ākonga whānau and kaimahi about ākonga learning.
Dual-enrolled ākonga in Years 1–8 are eligible to enrol in SEENG, SEMAS and SETOP, under the Learning Support Needs gateway.
Special Education
The courses offered under Special Education vary in curriculum levels. They ensure coverage of seven learning areas, as well as two life skill courses and are open to all ākonga in the compulsory education years and to adults.
This course supports ākonga to develop skills and abilities across the four strands of the curriculum: relationships with other people, movement concepts and motor skills, healthy communities and environments, and personal health and physical development.
No prior learning needed.