Feedback and Complaints
We welcome your feedback on our services and encourage you to contact us directly, especially if you have any concerns about the service you have received.
We aim to resolve your concerns in a timely way and at the appropriate level.
If you are a student, or the parent/supervisor of a student, please discuss any concerns with your kaimanaaki (learning advisor) or their Team Leader.
If your concern remains unresolved following this, please contact the relevant Regional Manager. You can find a list of our Regional Managers on our Regional Managers page at this link. There is a list of our offices and what regions they fall under on our Regional Teams and Huinga Ako (learning advisories) page at this link.
If you are still unable to resolve your concern or you wish to make a formal complaint, please put your complaint in writing so we can investigate it and report back to you. Your written complaint should include the background and reasons for the complaint and any supporting information or evidence. For more information, read our policies on the policies page. You can email your complaint to or post it.
Please address your written complaint to:
The Chief Executive’s office
Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu
Private Bag 39992
Wellington Mail Centre
Lower Hutt 5045
Please use this complaints process if you wish to make a complaint regarding a physical restraint incident concerning your child or yourself.
You can read our policies on responding to ākonga without restraint on our policies page.