Appointing a school coordinator

A school coordinator is the support person at your school who is responsible for registering ākonga (students) in Te Kura courses and ensuring they are supported in their studies. They are also the main contact for Te Kura subject kaiako (teachers), Student and Whānau Support kaimahi (staff), and our Kairuruku Hononga/Relationship Coordinator.

When enrolling schools appoint a school coordinator and provide their contact details to Te Kura, the coordinator is provided with a password-protected login to our Te Kura Enrolment System(TES) and your school’s login for My Te Kura, our online learning environment.

More detailed school coordinator guidelines and resources are available in the Dual Provider Help and Information course in My Te Kura.

Learn more about TES

Things to consider

You should ensure that:


Dual enrolment is not shared responsibility. All legislative accountabilities sit with the school of enrolment. Te Kura provides adaptation or capability to your school’s curriculum.

You support your ākonga to determine the learning programme. Te Kura does not set the learning programme. Te Kura kaiako are available to help with this.

Ākonga set a schedule, with your support, to meet the learning goals outlined in the learning programme.

Te Kura does have a requirement, in most cases to submit mahi (work) each month to remain on the roll.