Learning with Te Kura

Online learning

Most Te Kura courses are delivered online through My Te Kura, our online learning environment, and supplemented by online education providers. We may provide names, identification numbers, and email addresses of ākonga (students) to these education providers to facilitate access – see our Terms and Conditions for more information.

Visit our Using My Te Kura section to find out how My Te Kura works.

Personalised approach

My Te Kura is designed to provide a learning experience that is personalised and responsive to each individual ākonga. At the start of many courses, ākonga complete a diagnostic that enables their Te Kura kaiako (teacher) to determine the level they are working at and choose the most appropriate modules for them to focus on.

Required equipment

Ākonga will require access to a computer and the internet to study with us.

Find out what equipment we recommend

Releasing modules

In some of our courses, kaiako will release modules to ākonga as they progress through the course. Typically, once an ākonga has submitted an item for assessment through the My Te Kura dropbox, their kaiako releases the next module for them to work through.

Submitting work to My Te Kura dropboxes

Wherever possible, we encourage schools to ensure ākonga submit their work online through the designated My Te Kura dropbox for each course. This means feedback can be given quickly while the learning is still fresh in their minds, and minimises any delays caused by posting the work.

Ākonga are required to submit one piece of assessable work to Te Kura every month in each course to avoid non-returner status.

Returning work by post

There will be some occasions when returning work through the post will be possible.

Please note Te Kura does not cover postage costs for work returned by dual-enrolled ākonga.

My Te Kura resources

Detailed information about My Te Kura is available on our Resources and links page.