Kairuruku Hononga | Relationship Coordinator

Our Kairuruku Hononga (Relationship Coordinators) will work closely with you to support your ākonga (students) to achieve their learning goals at Te Kura.

Stay in touch and feel free to ask them anything.

Kairuruku Hononga o Te Aka Taumatua supports both bilingual and immersion provisions at Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu. We are dedicated to supporting our Kura Kaupapa Māori, Ngā Kura ā Iwi, and Wharekura across Aotearoa.

Chardonei Taua
Email: TATKH@tekura.school.nz
Mobile: 027 291 2820

Other regions Kairuruku Hononga:

Millie Fielder – Northern Region (Auckland and Northland)
Email: millie.fielder@tekura.school.nz
Phone: 09 220 4927
Mobile: 027 342 1921

Rayley Senora – Te Kāhui Hauāuru (Coromandel, Waikato, Ruapehu, Bay of Plenty, Whakatane, Taupō)
Email: rayley.senora@tekura.school.nz
Phone: 07 837 8863
Mobile: 027 605 6834

Carol (Horiana) Derbyshire – Te Kāhui Rāwhiti (East Coast, Tairāwhiti/Gisborne, Hawkes Bay Region)
Email: Carol.Derbyshire@tekura.school.nz
Phone: 04 474 4342
Mobile: 027 643 7977

Britany Miles – Central South Region
Email: Britany.Miles@tekura.school.nz
Phone: 04 816 0182
Mobile: 027 279 2443

Sam deMello – Te Tau Ihu – Top of the South Island-Central South Region (Whakatū | Nelson, Te Tai o Aorere | Tasman and Waiharakeke | Blenheim)
Email: sam.demello@tekura.school.nz
Phone: 0800 65 99 88 ext. 3503
Mobile: 027 381 4779

Sheena Sherratt-Smith – Southern Region
Email: sheena.sherratt-smith@tekura.school.nz
Phone: 04 474 4371
Mobile: 027 591 7742

Raphael Millen – Ara Poutama Aotearoa/Department of Corrections and Realm Schools – Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau
Email: Raphael.Millen@tekura.school.nz
Mobile: 027 269 6373