
In New Zealand, ākonga between the ages of 6 and 16 must be enrolled in a school and must attend school. For Te Kura ākonga, attendance means engaging in your Te Kura mahi and connecting with your kaimanaaki and kaiako.

There needs to be a record of work completed regularly, at least every two weeks. Work completed can include work submitted to the Dropbox, discussed with kaimanaaki and kaiako, completed at Huinga Ako, Leaving to Learn activities, from the online timetable of classes, online programmes etc. The same requirements apply for ākonga aged 16 and over to remain on our roll.

We will send a letter/email if your ākonga has not sent back any completed activities after a month or attended a huinga ako. If special circumstances, such as illness, have prevented them from returning completed activities, please contact your kaimanaaki as soon as possible to discuss the situation.